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How Rose-Hip Vital is Helping Mogo Wildlife Park's Exotic Residents

Mogo Wildlife Park Rose-Hip Vital

Have you ever been to Mogo?

Just ten minutes south of Bateman’s Bay lies this beautiful heritage town. Having expanded into a bustling community during the Gold Rush, and experiencing a cultural renaissance in recent years thanks to regional tourism and the expansion of local art galleries, Mogo is a hidden gem in Australia’s Southern Coast. 

There in Mogo, you’ll also find Mogo Wildlife Park, a specialised private zoo focusing on breeding programs for endangered and rare species. While small in comparison to other Aussie zoos, Mogo Wildlife Park has strong ties to institutions Australia-wide thanks to its passionate team, innovative programs and strong conservation focus. 

In 1999, Mogo’s breeding programs led to the successful breeding of snow leopards. Along with snow leopards, the zoo is home to other rare species, including the red panda and white lion; and this list of exotic inhabitants continues to change and grow every year. 

In 2017, Rose-Hip Vital was introduced to a number of the Wildlife Park’s residents as a nutritional and anti-inflammatory supplement. Many of Mogo’s residents were experiencing stiffness, age-related mobility issues and lameness. The vets at Mogo Wildlife Park began them on Rose-Hip Vital and have been amazed by their improved mobility, vitality and overall wellbeing ever since.  

Rose-Hip Vital now continues to donate our powders to Mogo Wildlife Park so that the residents of this amazing animal sanctuary can continue to stay active and thrive.

At Rose-Hip Vital, we’re continuously blown away by the testimonials we receive from our community, even though we know firsthand just how incredible our powders are. And we’re so proud that our supplement has been able to help the residents of Mogo Wildlife Park, we’re bringing these rare and wonderful animals to you! 

Read on to meet some of the exotic residents of Mogo Wildlife Park and find out how they’ve experienced a new lease on life thanks to Rose-Hip Vital. 


Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehips for joint pain. Rosehips for Inflammation. Rosehips for animals.

Truman & Icara

Truman (19) and Icara (20) are a pair of Cotton Top Tamarins who have vastly outlived the usual lifespan of their fellow Cotton Top Tamarins, which is generally about 13 years. Previously, Icara had been experiencing stiffness in her hind legs that was making it difficult for her to keep up with the group. 

Since starting on Rose-Hip Vital, both Truman and Icara have experienced vast improvement in their mobility and overall health and wellbeing. Icara is now able to move freely and keep pace with the rest of the Cotton Top Tamarins. It’s also believed their daily dose of Rose-Hip Vital is responsible for them thriving into such an old age.

Truman and Icara prefer their Rose-Hip Vital served in the centre of their daily banana. 


Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehip for joint pain. Rosehip for Inflammation. Rosehip for animals.

Jess & Jo

While Jess (41) and Jo (38) are no longer on exhibition at Mogo Wildlife Park, the ladies are loving life in retirement thanks to their freedom of movement and overall wellness. Jess and Jo are Lar Gibbons, also known as White Handed Gibbons, and had both suffered from age-related mobility issues.

Thanks to Rose-Hip Vital, their arthritis has diminished and their mobility has greatly improved. Even though they’re retired, the ladies continue to live their best life free from joint aches and pains.

Jess and Jo love to have Rose-Hip Vital with a banana every day. 


Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehip for joint pain. Rosehip for inflammation. Rosehips for animals.


Ruth the Ostrich is in her mid twenties, and she loves to run around the open fields of Mogo Wildlife Park. Thanks to Rose-Hip Vital, she’s been able to do so once again.

Ruth was diagnosed with osteomyelitis in one of her toes several years ago, which contributed to lameness and impacted her ability to move freely. After being on Rose-Hip Vital for several years, her mobility has improved and Ruth is now able to run again. Her osteomyelitis has greatly improved and does not debilitate her as it did before.

Ruth loves her Rose-Hip Vital! She prefers to have hers mixed with giraffe pellets and she thoroughly enjoys every mouthful.


Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehip for joint pain. Rosehip for inflammation. Rosehips for animals.


Mafuta is a regal 15 year old white lion.

While there’s no denying Mafuta is the King of this wildlife park, periodic stiffness in his back legs prevented him from roaming freely. Every winter, Mafuta was given non-steroidal anti-inflammatories because the stiffness in his back legs worsened in the cooler months.

Since starting Rose-Hip Vital in 2017, Mafuta’s stiffness has steadily declined and his freedom of movement has returned. In recent years, Mafuta has no longer required his previous non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, either!

Mafuta prefers his Rose-Hip Vital mixed in with his meat everyday. 

Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehip for joint pain. Rosehip for inflammation. Rosehips for animals.
G-Anne & Kriba

G-Anne and Kriba (both 42) are gorillas who have been on Rose-Hip Vital since 2018 to boost their vitamin and mineral intake in their older years, and also to help with age-related mobility issues.

Both gorillas have experienced improved movement since starting on Rose-Hip Vital, and have even become more active, proving that you don’t always have to slow down as you get older!

While G-Anne likes her Rose-Hip Vital made into a ball, Kriba prefers her’s mixed in with pellets. 


Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehip for joint pain. Rosehip for inflammation. Rosehips for animals.


Ringo was a star resident of Mogo Wildlife Park and lived to the ripe old age of 24! For a Ringtail Lemur, who typically live between 16 and 19 years, this is amazing!

Sadly, we lost Ringo only recently, but his delightful legacy lives on at the Park.

Ringo suffered from age-related joint stiffness. Being on Rose-Hip Vital helped to alleviate this discomfort and give Ringo his freedom back, and also no doubt contributed to his remarkable age!

Ringo loved the flavour of Rose-Hip Vital so he was happy to have it either in the centre of his banana or balled into a Rose-Hip Vital treat. 

Mogo Wildlife Park. Rose-Hip Vital. Rosehip for joint pain. Rosehip for inflammation. Rosehips for animals.

Fern (41) is one of Mogo Wildlife Park's Siamang Gibbons. She has been taking Rose-Hip Vital to help with age-related arthritis and not only is she thriving on it, but she loves the taste too!


Keep Moving, Mogo! 

Rose-Hip Vital is proud to be associated with the amazing community of Mogo Wildlife Park.

We believe nobody, two-legged or four, should have to suffer with uncomfortable joint pain, inflammation or depleted wellbeing. It’s our mission to help as many people and animals as possible.

If you haven’t been to Mogo yet, be sure to add it to your list of regional weekenders and add Mogo Wildlife Park to the top of your itinerary. And if you haven’t tried Rose-Hip Vital yet, why not give it a try and enjoy free shipping Australia-wide. 

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Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® 是一種全天然純植物製劑,具備抗炎和改善免疫系統的作用,可促進關節健康和整體健康。它由採用專利提取和乾燥工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,是一種經過科學和臨床測試的天然抗炎劑、抗氧化劑和天然維生素 C,用於緩解和預防與輕度關節炎相關的關節疼痛,僵硬,炎症和腫脹。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
