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AGE: 5
CONDITION: Arthritis

"To my amazement after 3 weeks I can't believe the difference"

I am amazed at how much this has helped my little chi/foxy. This little dog was a rescue probably from one of those terrible puppy farms. He is only 6 and started to get very lame in his right leg, he had an operation to correct a luxating patellar when he was 5 months old literally the same month I rescued him. The vet said his patellar now had severe arthritis and was causing pain and lameness. This little fellow also had terrible skin needing anti-allergy injections, cortisone cream and weekly washes with medicated shampoo and a special diet. There was a lot of redness and scratching despite all of this treatment. The vet suggested a series of cartrophen injections for his knee joint which helped a bit and suggested a joint guard as well. I found this Rose-Hip Vital Canine at the pet shop and to be honest was sceptical as to whether it would help. To my amazement after 3 weeks I can't believe the difference he is now enthusiastic about his walk running everywhere with my other little dog, I ended up carrying him home previously. I also notice an incredible change in his skin, the redness has subsided, I actually haven't used any cortisone cream for 2 weeks, his scratching has diminished substantially. He can be fussy with food also and was worried he might not like it, but there has been no problem at all. I really am so relieved for him as he is only young and I felt life was really tough for the little guy, it has made it much easier for me as well can enjoy life so much more with him, before I was constantly worried about what he was going through and felt I was always treating him for something. I am very grateful for this product.



Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 是一款純植物製劑,玫瑰果天然具備消炎功效,並對免疫系統提供支援,可為您的毛孩的關節健康和整體健康提供支持。 Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 由採用專利工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,經科學和臨床證明可以減少炎症,保護軟骨,改善整體健康。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
