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Discover a Natural Solution for Skin Allergies with Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Skin allergies in your pet can be heartbreaking, frustrating and overwhelming - not to mention, expensive.

If you have a dog that suffers from skin allergies, you know there’s nothing worse than watching your best friend suffer simply from doing the things they love, like running through the grass or playing with their doggo friends.

Persistent skin allergies can have a lasting and profound effect on your dog’s quality of life.

Luckily, thanks to Rose-Hip Vital Canine, there’s a wholly natural, plant-based solution to help relieve your dog’s skin allergies and get your best mate back to doing zoomies in the yard.


What Causes Your Dog to Have an Allergic Skin Reaction

Allergic dermatitis presents as itchy, inflamed skin caused by an overstimulated immune reaction to one or several factors. Typically, those factors are environmental, and includes things like pollen, dust or mold; or they’re food-related, and are triggered by an intolerance to particular proteins or grains.

In certain dogs, their normal immune response kicks into overdrive and causes inflammation of the skin, usually accompanied by excessive itching, scratching, licking, redness, loss of fur and sometimes even bleeding. Occasionally they’ll develop a dreaded hot spot, which can be incredibly hard to heal once it’s established.

Luckily, Rose-Hip Vital Canine is a scientifically-backed anti-inflammatory, proven to be an effective natural treatment for immune-mediated skin conditions.





Discover GOPO®: The Secret to Rose-Hip Vital's Effective Immune System Support

GOPO® is an exclusive active compound only found in Rose-Hip Vital products thanks to our unique manufacturing process. GOPO® prevents the excessive accumulation of white blood cells that lead to chronic cyclical inflammation. When your dog’s immune system releases histamines to combat an allergen, this triggers an inflammatory response. Too much inflammation is what causes the miserable symptoms associated with skin allergies.

By dismantling inflammation before it can spread, GOPO® is able to significantly diminish the chances of your dog experiencing allergic dermatitis.


Why We Believe Prevention is Better Than a Cure

Often, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of your dog’s skin allergies. A few moments of fun can lead to weeks of misery, and constant angst about when the next attack will hit has you avoiding many of the things you know your dog loves.

But why wait until your dog is already suffering from painful itching and scratching to search for a solution? 

At Rose-Hip Vital, we believe in building up your dog’s natural defences over time, ensuring their system can effectively manage inflammation before it presents as painful skin allergies. Adding a dose of Rose-Hip Vital to their regular meal not only supercharges their natural defences against allergens, it also fuels their system with naturally-occurring vitamin C – one of nature’s best antihistamines.


The Power of Vitamin C in Reducing Allergies

Vitamin C is one of the most well-known natural antihistamines on the planet. It moderates the body’s immune reaction to allergens by minimising the production of histamines, leading to reduced swelling and inflammation. Not only that, vitamin C is a rich source of antioxidants, effectively destroying free radicals that trigger long term cellular damage and disease.

Every dose of Rose-Hip Vital Canine contains over 46mg of naturally-occurring vitamin C. The non-synthetic nature of our vitamin C ensures that your dog's system recognises it as fuel instead of waste, guaranteeing they absorb the maximum amount of benefits.





Rose-Hip Vital is a Completely Natural Allergy Solution

Made with nothing but ground Rosa Canina rosehips, our powders are a pure, completely natural anti-inflammatory and multivitamin.

Our berries are handpicked in Denmark from non-invasive farms, and have been left to gently thrive in nutrient-rich soil for years before harvesting. Rose-Hip Vital powders are some of the purest rosehip powders you can find in the world, making them a completely safe choice for your family.

Rose-Hip Vital Canine is proud to be naturally free from wheat, dairy, gluten, sugar, additives, fillers and preservatives. And because our powders are completely plant-based, there’s no risk of overdosing! If you’re worried that you might have overdone it, just keep an eye on excretions. A slightly orange tinge just means you need to scale back a bit.


Rose-Hip Vital is Scientifically-Backed

With Rose-Hip Vital Canine, you can feel confident knowing that our product has the scientific backing of over 30 peer-reviewed papers, along with 9 placebo-controlled, double-blind trials.

Rose-Hip Vital is manufactured in a food-grade facility, making it safe enough for any member of your family to share the same tub – along with all of the amazing benefits!

Our wholly natural, plant-based powder has been shown to be well-tolerated with no contraindications, making it perfectly safe to use alongside existing medication.


Read Just a Few of Our Testimonials Here... 

Hundreds of dogs can't be wrong.

You can browse our endless testimonials here, or have a read through some of them below from furry users just like your best mate.

"My poor girl suffered from severe skin allergies. Our vets were at a loss so we thought we'd try Rose-Hip Vital and we wouldn't look back! She was constantly scratching to the point of bleeding, she'd lost almost all of her hair and her quality of life was deteriorating quickly. Since feeding Rose-Hip Vital each day our girl is a ball of happiness, she doesn't scratch, she has all her hair back and her quality of life is excellent. Thank you for saving our baby, our vet's next option was to euthanise, so thank you from the bottom of my heart."- Lisa, NSW

"My dog would suffer from skin irritations. No matter how many medicated baths we did it would always resurface. I was recommended Rose-Hip Vital from a friend who's staffy suffered from arthritis. Within 3 weeks I noticed a difference... I've never seen my staffy do a "zoomie" until we started using Rose-Hip Vital. Very happy with the product, so is my pup." - Jazlyn, AUS

“Charlie was continually going to the vets with allergic reactions to something outside but as we live on acreage it was very hard to pinpoint what was triggering these reactions. My poor dog was on a constant cycle of antibiotics and steroids, which I felt would probably significantly shorten his life if we continued down this path. Within a few short weeks of commencing RHVC I noticed that he was no longer licking & chewing himself and to this day he has not had an outbreak. Thankfully, we now only visit the vet for annual checkups and treats! … I’m pleased to say all my dogs are happy and healthy and full of beans for Golden Oldies. I would definitely recommend RHVC to anyone looking for a natural & healthy product to help ease their furbabies’ joint and mobility issues, and in Charlie’s case, it has certainly worked wonders against his allergic reactions.” - Helen, AUS

"After a few weeks the results were undeniable. Not only is the difference in his mobility incredible but his severe allergy symptoms have almost completely subsided. We owe it all to Rose-Hip Vital." - Summer, US



Rose-Hip Vital Canine, the Natural Alternative to Prescription Steroids

If you’ve ever taken your dog to the vet for skin allergies, chances are they’ve been prescribed steroids.

Steroids, like prednisone, suppress your dog’s immune system, stopping the inflammatory response that’s causing your dog’s painful symptoms. Prednisone is widely recommended because it works efficiently, in many cases providing almost instant relief.

However, there are many side effects associated with steroid use, especially continued steroid use. Many dogs experience excessive thirst, hunger, urination and in less common cases, vomiting, behavioral problems and muscle wastage. Some dogs develop other illnesses because their immune response has been suppressed, such as a bladder infection.

At Rose-Hip Vital, we believe the natural way is not only incredibly effective, it skips the nasty side effects! With antioxidants, antihistamines, vitamins, minerals and our exclusive active galactolipid, GOPO®, contained in every dose - our patented rosehip powder is the natural alternative for allergy symptoms you've been searching for.


No Allergies? No Problems!

Rose-Hip Vital is packed with over 31 naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, making it one of the best ways to support your best mate’s long term health. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, flavanoids, essential fatty acids and so much more, our plant-based powder is the only supplement your dog needs for improved overall wellbeing. 

At Rose-Hip Vital, we believe all dogs should get to live like puppies, every day.


Ready to Get Your Best Mate Started?

So you're ready to help your itchy doggo get the allergy relief they need with Rose-Hip Vital - but where to begin?! 

We have all the information you need right here, including tips for fussy eaters and dogs with stomach sensitivity.

In a nutshell, we recommend starting with a loading dose (double their regular dose) to kickstart the system and help you see results sooner. Continue their loading dose for 3 weeks before switching to their maintenance dose. For the average 15kg dog, the maintenance dose will be 2 scoops (5g) daily.

Simply mix your Rose-Hip Vital powder into something cool or room temperature, generally their regular food works best! Hot food should be avoided because it undermines the powder's potetency.

Click the link here to grab your first tub and enjoy free shipping Australia wide!


Pssst... since you've made it this far, here's our best tip to save money on Rose-Hip Vital for your whole family. Did you know you can all share the same tub? Learn more about this awesome money-saving hack here.



Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 是一款純植物製劑,玫瑰果天然具備消炎功效,並對免疫系統提供支援,可為您的毛孩的關節健康和整體健康提供支持。 Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 由採用專利工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,經科學和臨床證明可以減少炎症,保護軟骨,改善整體健康。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
