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Jodie Newall

Jodie Newall

Grand Prix Dressage Rider



"I haven't been to the physio nor had to have my back taped since l've been taking the product"

I have been competing in Dressage for more than twelve years, and in that time I have campaigned a range of horses, including three at Grand Prix level. Over the last few years I have maintained 5-6 horses in work whilst undertaking study and now in my profession, I spend a lot of time each day in the saddle, but also a large amount of time sitting in the car or behind a desk. As a younger (more stupid) rider, I have also found myself riding horses that were more exuberant than most. As a result, I've been dealing with back pain for a long time.

I was on scholarship with the ACT Academy of Sport for four years and had weekly physio sessions, expensive scans, which failed to diagnose or treat the pain. did strength and conditioning work at the gym several times per week but this made little impact and often made it worse. Since coming off my scholarship, I dragged myself to physio when things got unbearable, but aside from that, I just got on with it (though apparently my family put up with a bit of whingeing too).

In late 2013, my back flared up, so I was once again at physio. Every competition I rode with my back taped and all I could smell was Dencorub. I was thinking that I'm 26 years old and this shouldn't be happening!

I've now been taking the human version of Rose-Hip Vital for the last six weeks. While I still have a minor pinching, the burning ache is gone and I have to say, I haven't been to the physio nor had to have my back taped since I've been taking the product. Whereas before, if I saw something on the ground, I had to make a conscious decision whether it was worth the pain to bend down and pick it up, or whether it could stay there. It took a while for me to realise that I was suddenly picking things up without thought.

have more energy, which is not surprising seeing as l'm no longer in a fog of pain. I have made plans to go and train in Europe, something that I wasn't confident in before, as I would have to think about whether or not my back would cope well with it. I can safely say that I'm very impressed and I'm relieved to have found something that works for me.

As far as Rose-Hip Vital Equine goes, l've always been extremely skeptical of most oral supplements on the market. Most of the time, these products only have anecdotal evidence of their success and have nothing quantitative or scientific. Given the impact that the product has had on me, l'm prepared to use the equine version as a maintenance supplement for my horses. Neither Jive Matrix or Danse Ave Moi have had any significant issues, so their response has not been the same emphatic one that l've seen in myself, however they are both moving more freely and consistently.

The horses don't mind the taste either. I like the fact that it is a natural product, particularly in this day and age as we start to discover the ill-effects of synthetic substances. Of course, competing at major competitions I need a product that does not contain prohibited ingredients, and once again Rose-Hip Vital ticks the box. So, as an athlete, I couldn't speak more highly of the product and its contribution to my well being and my equestrian objectives.



Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® 是一種全天然純植物製劑,具備抗炎和改善免疫系統的作用,可促進關節健康和整體健康。它由採用專利提取和乾燥工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,是一種經過科學和臨床測試的天然抗炎劑、抗氧化劑和天然維生素 C,用於緩解和預防與輕度關節炎相關的關節疼痛,僵硬,炎症和腫脹。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
