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"So the story begins with 2 knee surgeries within the last 2 years. The first for a meniscal tear and the second a full

ACL rupture in the same knee Xmas 2014"

Elliott Cunnew was hooked on swimming, biking and running until knee issues stopped him in his tracks. The result was surgery and rehab but he was determined to get back training and competing in triathlons.

Elliott likes to set himself goals every race in order to improve and his motivation comes from his daughter, Amelia, who is intellectually disabled. She gives him "wings" and he certainly flew through his last race in Busselton earlier this year. Now he has another race to set his sights on and won't give up his Rose-Hip Vital so he can get to the start line with no pain. Below he talks about his last race, his inspiration, his next race and how Rose-Hip Vital has helped in get back on track!

"So the story begins with 2 knee surgeries within the last 2 years. The first for a meniscal tear and the second a full ACL rupture in the same knee Xmas 2014. Due to my own silly festive antics ( "Sumo sand wrestling" on the beach), I tore my ACL completely and had to have a hamstring graft on my knee in February 2014.

The rehab post surgery was brutal, as I wanted to come back and compete at the Foster Half Ironman last November. Along with intense physio and gradual getting back into training, I made sure I took at least 5 capsules of Rose-Hip Vital every day without fail to ensure I could train and most importantly run.

I managed to compete at Foster in November 2015 and was happy with a 5 hour 41 result. I knew I was back, my knee let me get through unscathed.

My next target was to go even faster at a Ironman 70.3 triathlon, so I registered for the Busselton Ironman 70.3 in West Australia which took place on May 1st 2016.

Time to up the training again, and add some strength in there, and of course keep up the Rose-Hip Vital. It gave me the comfort that I could increase my run mileage, as my knee wasn't buckling or locking as it had been before.

Race day came and along with good mates Duncan and Pete I hit the turquoise blue water next to Busselton

Wharf with the 45- 49 silver caps. 36 minutes later I was exiting the swim with a PB, feeling strong and was off on the bike with a big smile on my face, logging another PB of 2 hr 48 - more or less keeping to my goal 32 kph pace.

Every person I passed on the bike I called out the mantra "Amelia give me wings" and she didn't let me down. As I passed Duncan I called out cheekily "on your right son" and with Amelia giving me those speed wings, he never caught me up from that point on the bike. Amelia is my intellectually disabled daughter who always helps me find an extra gear when l'm racing.

So onto the run and here was the real test. First loop I was on plan with 5.30 mins per km. The second plan was to be bit faster. Didn't quite hit that but still kept it respectable up to 13 km. That last 8 km is always tough, and was no different that day, but I did manage to keep the pace the whole way home. At the turns I was waiting for the knee to buckle and give me some pain. NO PAIN. I got down the chute and knew I had nothing more to give with a 2.03 run PB and a race PB of 5.35!

I already have my sights on my next Ironman 70.3 in Western Sydney in November 3 where I will race with other athletes as the TS Heroes team fundraising for my daughters cause, and Rose-Hip Vital will remain part of my daily routine to keep my knee intact!"



Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® 是一種全天然純植物製劑,具備抗炎和改善免疫系統的作用,可促進關節健康和整體健康。它由採用專利提取和乾燥工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,是一種經過科學和臨床測試的天然抗炎劑、抗氧化劑和天然維生素 C,用於緩解和預防與輕度關節炎相關的關節疼痛,僵硬,炎症和腫脹。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
